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Song Illustration
Representing a lyric
This was the first assignment for the illustration course. We had to draw an illustration of a song lyric (not necessarily the whole song. I chose to draw the Simon and Garfunkel lyric "Old friends sitting on a park bench like bookends" in an ethereal way, with washed out digital watercolours. I then drew a bright, bold illustration for the lyric "I see your true colours shining through", from one of my favourite songs, by Cyndi Lauper "True Colours" My final illustration was from a Chrisitian worship song, with the line "I raise a Hallelujah" I later developed this for The Lord's Prayer project I made for the parishes of Elstead, Thursley, Shackleford and Peper Harow.
Song Illustration: Project

Song Illustration: Illustrations
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