Love is shown by what you do
Puppet collaboration
I made this piece with Shirley Eason who heads up the puppet ministry at The Church on the Heath, Fleet.
Having seen some of my other work, Shirley approached me with a brief to create characters, illustrations and animations to act as and a backdrop to interact with the puppets to tell the story of the Good Samaritan. I used a variety of animation techniques, including stop-motion, creating gifs and layering and manipulation of images. We learnt new skills, including green screening. We were having to work remotely, as this was created during the first lockdown of 2020.
Many hours were spent creating images, animating them, editing them together into a rolling, animated film backdrop for the puppets. Shirley then shot the puppets against a green screen and after much toing and froing of rushes, tweaking the animation and a final run through, she edited them into our final film.
What a fabulously fun, intense labour of love this project turned out to be. Made on my iPad and Shirley's laptop, we are immensely proud the results.